
"Totul e o artă în viața asta, orice mânuiești iese mai bine dacă ai idei, ești creativ și îți păstrezi sufletul mereu tânăr.
Întotdeauna necunoscutul va atrage curioși dar ca să fii un om frumos și apreciat nu trebuie să te dezbraci!"

vineri, 5 martie 2010

... mean to be a baby ... :))

Remember the day when you were born... Oh my God :)) problems, no suffering, no emotions...not knowing what is love... very good...
...So you come naked, you wake up small, but with a big pampers full of shit... damn ...
all this and then do you have to think about what is love? You don't need to be in love on your first day!? :))
But you hear around you... Cupidon left, Cupidon right, Cupidon was here, oh darling i think i'm in love... for you, who the hell is Cupidon? You think maybe is your brother naked to, with bow and arrows... but no pampers? damn he's so lucky... :))
You have your strange world... right, a baby's world,
where the other people... big people,
are not invited because it's to hard to understand you...
you cry when something is not how you like to be,
or when you are alone and nobody pays you attention... need to make a show, wake up all around you in the middle of the night, not because you need something just because some fart is not leaving you alone...
...but you as a little doll...
wash the tears of other with your innocent smile,
otherwise an important smile, the proof when that you are happy...
...or not, you do that to escape when your grandma is tickling you... or who knows... you feel good, you have some fantasies... i hope you don't have orgasm... oh you little pervers, yes you do :))
If you could be a baby again, everything will be more than easy... it's a small chance, but you can try... stay in bad, naked but take a pampers and put it on, put a nipple in your mout... you are like a baby... say A gugu, A gaga... but not Lady Gaga, for this you need to grow up, remember? :))

2 comentarii:

  1. tare povestea asta cu benelushu
    mi-a placut mult
    bine ai revenit pe blog
    sa fie intr-un ceas bun

  2. asa mi-a venit noaptea sa scriu :P... m-am amuzat putzintel...
    ar fi fost cazu sa ma mai ocup de blog daca tot il am... doar e lumea mea aici :)
