in all your life u do nothing for u, just because u have a hot soul and u prefer to do everything for others u forgett yourself... bad choice...
u do nothing for your happiness, u love everybody but u don't see or don't find that somebody who need to be loved by u more than others or sometimes u are in love, it's true, but that person doesn't love u how u wanna be loved and u are so sad and feel like u are alone in this world... you are not...
if u see a friend without a smile u give him one of yours and when nobody deserves your tears u cry for all... you have a big soul, even if u suffer u still have mercy and u are waiting for something good to happen...
u don't have what u want, u don't have your home like others, a happy family, no money, no trust in u or in others, no trust in a new relationship... need help? maybe u will find alone a solution, just be strong, have courage to do what u want, make your dreams come true... u can try first and than make it the best...
if u just stay there, waiting for something to happens and u don't move even your small finger... tomorow u will wake up to old, trust me... it will be to late for everything and u gonna be disappointed and u will have nothing to look back to, nothing to be proud... try to do something for u, to be happy... be free like the air sometimes, don't be like an animal in the cage... all depends of u... it doesn't have to be a big step, just something different from what u normally do or say... and we have to look for the facts, not just words...
i know... a bad workman always blames his tools but what u make with your hands it's called needlework... u can try, just because u try it will not cost u too much... and remember, a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush...
....be carrefull, it's not to easy out there and u are surrounded of madness... just be yourself and don't let anyone hurt u... it will be ok, i hope... :)
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RăspundețiȘtergereSunt Mihaela Butnaru, de la bookblog.ro, poti afla mai multe despre mine de acolo sau de pe blogul personal (http://masa-pustie.blogspot.com). Momentan lucrez la un studiu despre comunicarea pe bloguri si am nevoie sa imi raspunzi la 16 intrebari despre blogging. Daca te intereseaza sa participi la acest studiu, trimite-mi un e-mail la adresa mihaela.butnaru@gmail.com si iti voi da toate detaliile. Participind poti cistiga, prin tragere la sorti, un premiu surpriza.
Multumesc pentru vizita. Cu toate ca nu am participat la acel studiu despre comunicarea pe bloguri, am salvat adresa blogului dvs. ca sa va pot citi oricand.:) Cu respect, Noella